Wednesday, May 20, 2009

365 Days

For 365 days you have been faithful
To guard me against lustful eyes, strangers and fools
I was perplexed, anguished and ungrateful
Those days seemed to be somewhat awful

I felt my wings were clipped and trimmed
As I found myself under your watchful whim
Alone I could not explore, slow down nor scheme
You were like a black shadow looming my dream

You tell me what to do and direct me where to go
You approve how I dress: sometimes ‘yes’, oftentimes ‘no’
You instruct what is appropriate and what I need to let go
I resented that my life is built like a “Lego”

For 365 days you have protected your wife with care
You are a driver, a bodyguard and a husband beyond compare
Perhaps your anxiety is more than I can bear
But dear husband, your love is a gem so rare.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

To Future and Beyond

To the future and beyond
Clarity of mind despite the glaring sun
A vision to hold, a territory to roam
A joy and laughter to fill the empty room

To the future and beyond
Faith- to step into the days unknown
Hope- to fulfil even the smallest role
Charity- to give my best to all

A teachable heart to receive from people
A resilient spirit to endure and fight the foe
A bare soul that would always run
To the Creator, to the future and beyond

A reckless song as the wind continues to blow
Friends and loved ones to share my highs and lows
The journey continues on the 37th station road
Soar anew to the future and beyond.